Telikin® – a simpler, easy to use touchscreen computer for seniors, the elderly and their families.

“Ready to go right out of the box, this all-in-one touch-screen computer provides a big button menu that displays all your favorite functions on the screen at all times. By simply touching the menu option of your choice with your finger, you can get instant access to the Web, email, games, video chat, photo sharing, news, weather and more.”
–Jim T. Miller, Savvy Senior article via The Huffington Post
“We have been studying this field for over five years and testing various computers, nothing comes close to Telikin. With its intuitive and structured menu of applications and clear-cut user interface, Telikin is the first computer truly made for baby boomers and older.”
–Jean Coppola, PhD, Professor of Gerontechnology, Pace University
“This product, hands down, excited me more than anything else I saw at CES. I absolutely LOVED the Telikin! I have not been able to stop thinking about it for my mom. Please let me know how the Canadian version is coming along. I think I will wait for that one for her.”
–From Katy Papadopoulos, Director of All Things Creative.
“Keep the fun part of personal computing– the Web browsing, e–mail, calendar, photo sharing, games and video chat– and lose the complexity and virus risk. Deliver it all in an 18.6–inch touch–screen device and you have the Telikin Computer.”
–Steve Morgenstern, AARP Tech Columnist.
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“...Telikin features a bold, simple user interface that's far easier for beginners than any Windows box.”
–From Hiawatha Bray, Boston Globe.
“I have had a keen interest in computers ever since I purchased my first Apple II more than three decades ago. The Telikin is by far the most user friendly computer I have ever encountered.”
–Robin Wulffson, MD on E Max Health
“It is, in our opinion, the easiest, most suitable computer for an older or un-computer savvy user. Telikin is an easy to use, all in one, touchscreen computer designed with seniors in mind.”
–Joyce Campisi, Pittsburgh's Nightwire Magazine
“What has impressed me about the Telikin PC was the ease of the set up and how quickly I was able to connect the computer to my wireless network. The computer is user-friendly and easy to maneuver.”
–Chris MacLellan, The Purple Jacket
“Last month, she received her first computer, a Telikin, and is now giving demos to her friends.”
–Dale Carter, Transition Aging Parents
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“...all the features are completely built in including video chat, email, photo sharing, virus protection, etc. Computer neophytes will appreciate that the computer is ready to be used straight out of the box I just plug it in and go. Plus, the large 19" screen makes for easy viewing. The Telikin is also easy on the wallet...the Telikin is a great concept if you have been looking for a low maintenance computer to bring granny online...”
–The Sisyphus Comments web blog
“Telikin has an elegant solution for keeping in touch with its easy to use all-in-one computer.”
–From Jessica McKenna, National Girl Gadgets Examiner.
“I just got the Elite 20 system for my mom and I want to say
it is a very nice and easy to use system. Couldn't believe how quick it was to set up and love the 20 inch screen.
In a matter of minutes I had it hooked up, running on our cable modem, and she was sending email for the first time in her life... The computer is awesome and was extremely easy to use.
First thing my mom said was it was very easy for her to read.
You have a great product.”
–Tony A., Evansville, IL
“I am so thrilled with the computer product
and support system from Telikin!! Never before has it been so easy for me to get support and use a computer!
I'm in heaven!! THANK YOU !
Finally the computer world is open to me!!!”
–Judith F., Manchester, NJ
“Just wanted to say that this computer is the most incredible
device I have ever seen in a long time, I placed the order for my father. Because now webtv service will no longer be
working soon, Where do I start having nearly all the capabilities and speed of a regular computer. But having the design
factor modeled for a senior citizen shows the level of caring that Telikin has put into this system. Also a plus no
anti-virus needed, speedy fast and easy to use my Dad loves his! Thank you Telikin also for your excellent customer
support through phone and remote management! God Bless! You've made my Father and I very happy!”
–Jeffrey H., via Facebook
Read his Facebook post
“Kudos to the Telikin Team for crafting a solution for regular
people. Yesterday the Telikin Elite arrived at Quail Haven Village for my 88 year young Mom. Out of the box, she said
"It's beautiful". A manual ! Instructions ! How amazing is that ! Big colorful buttons ! Full Touch! A keyboard that
you can actually see the letters ! As friends stop by..Mom says "Isn't it beautiful?"
Easy to get connected, easy to get going, just follow the instructions. I called the customer support line to help figure out actual person answered, in English ! .. and then he took control of my Telikin and we watched him fix it. That's they way its supposed to be. Awesome!
As we were deciding to select a new computer to replace her corrupted XP PC, I was reluctantly thinking that we would be replacing it with a Windows 8 platform...(I was hoping for a Windows 7 platform) .. the typical Microsoft approach..which I have never liked. Operating Systems are not solutions...they are just plumbing for techies. Regular people, especially our seniors and now boomers, want solutions. Things that work...all the time. Just like a toaster.!
I'm 65 and retired from a big computer corporation. I am very familiar with high performance, reliable, distributed, easy to use systems that are centrally managed. Before helping Mom out, I was not aware of Telikin...but after searching for "computers for seniors" and landing on your page...I was so excited to see what you have done. It's perfect ! and its the exact same business model that I am familiar with. A locked down kernel for an OS, idiot proof, easy to use, a software release strategy, good hardware, always works, good doc, minimized from virus chances, central help, and most importantly... its a soup to nuts solution. And Mom thinks..."It's beautiful !". I think its elegant. Good Job Telikin Team.”
–Tom P., Wilmington, NC
Read his Facebook post
“Bought this computer for my mother who is mostly
housebound and completely non technical...she has been emailing and skypeing family and friends. She told me
that she feels less isolated and alone...thank you Telikin!”
–Debbie W., Needham, MA
“I received my Telikin with no problems. I kid you not,
in the time it took me to make my morning coffee, I had my mom's computer up and running and her gmail downloading.
I wanted to test it out and get it set up before reboxing it and giving it to her for Christmas (my kids want to give
it to her at Thanksgiving instead of waiting for Christmas).
I've bought many electronics over the years and many computers, and never do they really live up
to the hype or the allure of making your life simplier as portrayed in the slick advertising. I'm rather skeptical
when it comes to electronics for that very reason. Well, you proved me wrong. After using the Telikin for about 2
hours I can honestly say that it does exactly what you advertise. In fact, your ads really do not do it justice because
it's an absolutly beautiful product, genius in it's simplicity, and it works flawlessly. Beat that Apple!
So, after years of trying to help keep my mom "on line", after years of trying to provide her with
tech support (with great frustration), after countless hours trying to dumbdown her PC to get rid of all the bells and
whistles she doesn't need (and that just confuse her), after years of buying expensive virus protection and lugging her
computer into the shop when all fails, after years of telephone calls at work from my mom saying her "computer is broke"
because she can't remember how to get to her email - I have finally found something that will make my life so much easier
and her life simplier. Between my business and my teenagers, I already have five PCs that I have to keep working and it's
not easy. However, now I don't have to worry about also trying to help my mom with hers. This is an amazing product!
When my home PC bites the dust, I'm going to replace it with a Telikin!”
–Kathy K., Gold River, CA
“Hello Telikin Staff,
I have wanted a personal computer for a long time, but I did NOT want the complicated problems that can go with it. I am a
senior and so I was cautious about this. I decided to get a 20" touch screen Telikin because this computer seemed to be less
complex & easier for a senior to deal with. It was a very good decision. I got my computer & printer copier in Aug. 2011. I
now exchange E mails with friends & family, do on-line searches, and one of my favorite things to do is to watch videos of
my favorite artists. I really love the fact that Telikin can send me a blog from time to time with new information & it rolls
right off the printer so I can look at the copy whenever I choose. Also when used as a copy machine I often do copies in color
which I enjoy. Also Telikin has a very nice staff of people who can help if there are any questions.
Thank you Telikin. I believe you make a fine product and I enjoy it daily. It has really changed my life!”
–Carol S. "The Villages" Lady Lake, FL
“Hello Telikin Staff,
I am a 79 year (old-young) lady. After using a Gateway computer and becoming frustrated with it, I decided I did not
want a computer. Christmas of 2010, I received a Telikin as a gft from my daughter. I was not sure I wanted another computer.
The Telikin changed my way of thinking about a computer. I could not believe just how easy and enjoyable using a
computer could be! The support team made such a huge difference as I could call and learn about it. The Skype feature,
with built in camera and microphone, is wonderful! I talk to and see my 83 year (old-young) brother in Florida just about
every day. I also talk to and see our grandchildren who live in various states. That is only one of the really terrific
features of the Telikin. If I listed each feature, I would be writing a mini-book. Using the Web is so easy. I never thought
I would be able to get so much interesting information.
Thank you Telikin people for a computer that I truly enjoy
using and all the great new software you continually add to the Telikin. It keeps me in contact with my family and friends
as well as keeping my mind active. Keep up the good work!!”
–Frances T. Easton, PA
“Tech Buddy allows me to see exactly what my mother sees...
I can guide her or move the mouse myself...that has helped us alot.”
–Dale Carter of Transition Aging Parents
“'s almost like a friend... I think Skype is wonderful...
it's very clear... you feel like you could touch the person [you are video chatting with]”
–Dale's Mother Beverly
“...You must keep them hidden somewhere, because I can't find the
same kind of service anywhere else. Thanks again, please pass along my gratitude to technical support for their patience!
Best regards, ”
–Bonnie H. Fort Worth, TX
“Dad enjoys seeing updates about his grandson's volleyball
games at college. Customer support has been very helpful the few times I have had to contact them. It is a great
computer and a great service. I would recommend it to anyone!”
–Annemarie D., Oxford, PA
“The Telikin has had a major impact on my life.
Using a computer is so much easier now with the touch screen, as I have limited use of my hand. I am on my
computer every day video chatting with family and friends, watching movies, surfing the web, and sharing photos.
The Telikin has helped me to stay connected and I can’t imagine not having it. I was introduced to The
Telikin when our rehabilitation department at United Hebrew of New Rochelle invited me to be part of a research
project with the Telikin company. I loved it so much, I called a relative and he bought me one and donated two to
United Hebrew. They are in the library and now other residents can enjoy them too. Thanks Telikin, for creating a
computer that brings the people I care about just a touchscreen away.”
–Pam L., New Rochelle, NY
“I am 83 years old and could never do in my 83 years what
I can do now. Speak to my deaf niece and her deaf husband. They read my lips and we can have a nice conversation.
They call every night and tell me good night and they wave and throw a kiss. I could never call them on the telephone
before, because they cannot hear.
I am so thankful that I bought this computer...”
–Hannah R., Louisville, KY
–Janet F., Punta Gorda, FL
“It’s easy to clean touch screen is fun and helps to reduce
the carpel tunnel discomfort that I get after being on a computer.
I love the simplicity of my Telikin and how easy it is to navigate each function. The extra steps that I normally had to
go through in order to search the web are eliminated with the quick links. A touch of a button brings me where I need to go.
The calendar feature is so easy to use and I really appreciate the reminders on the notice board.
Having my own personal digital picture frame right there on the screen is great. I love walking past my Telikin and
seeing my family and friends, so much better then a screen saver! The video chat, email, contacts and photos features keep
me easily in touch with everyone. I proudly show off my Telikin and would recommend it to anyone!!!”
–Laura D., Hatfield, PA
–Doug V., Sellersville, PA
“I have been using Telikin for three months and find it to be
relatively easy to operate for a novice using a computer. Information is very clear to understand and the screen is
very bright and easy to see. The support from Venture Three is excellent and I strongly recommend this product.”
–Walter Z., Lansdale, PA
It is the best computer I've ever had!! The customer service agents are excellent and I feel very safe in using this computer. Jacob was so caring and professional and extremely knowledgeable in scam calls and how to treat them.
Christine W
For a 83 years old woman who as never used a computer, this is wonderful. Jacob and the rest of the support team always help me out tremendously.
Arlys H
Because of Telikin's excellent assistance with any problem I have ever had, they guide me through everything. Yesterday by accident I opened a Paypal account when I thought I was paying an invoice, I was unable to close this account on my own. I believe Jacob Helping me today saved me 100's of dollars. Anyone who is not experienced with using the computer and all the new programs today would be well advised to purchase the Telikin and the Support. Telikin will never know how grateful I am.
Libby G
Telikin is an outstanding computer system and has the best possible customer service possible! I've been a customer for years and anytime I have an issue it is fixed with a quick call. All of the technicians are extremely professional and efficient. Robert was able to take care of my email issue in a timely manner today. Thank you all!
Anne P
I feel like the Telikin computer has really enriched my life! Jacob and the rest of the support team help and taught me what i need to know, and the are patient and pleasant. I feel like i made a really great decision to buy the Telikin. Now I'm even learning how to speak Spanish on the computer.
Theresa L
Senior citizens!! if you are looking for a computer that is easy for you to use and get the best help that is available for anything, then you should consider the WOW computer. it can do so much more than just a regular computer, it has large letters on your keyboard. All you have to do is dial a number and you will have someone to talk you through it. the thing that i like the most about it is the Talk to Text, which means you just speak and the computer does the typing for you.
Vivian C
I am very pleased with my Telikin. I Enjoy it a lot and i suggest that any senior citizen purchase it. I have learned a lot, and it makes me feel good when i go there I get what I go after.
Rose J
If i could give it more than 5 stars, I would. This computer is awesome. Regretfully, I have glaucoma and it helps me so much. I love the part where i put my finger on it and enlarge the screen. Jacob has been so helpful and i type so slow since i can't see the keys so he typed it for me but i told him how to word it. He was more than helpful like Telikin support are always are when i call them.
Anne T
Hey My name is Delores J, in Huston Texas, I bought my computer and I have never been happier. I am visually impaired and getting the VIP support is awesome, it's like having somebody hang onto. I rate this computer A+! Jacob was so great to me as a support agent!
Delores J
To all you seniors who are out there who are thinking about getting the Telikin Computer,
Do IT! You won't be sorry, the computer is great, the service is great and the support agents are the Best! And if Jacob end up on the line with you, you got a winner!
Sharlene O
I love the Telikin computer, and the Telikin support people. Jacob is very patient and helped me find the best prices on 4 products that were very very hard for me to do by myself. He took a lot of time with me!!!!
Joan D
I love my Telikin! I can get up every morning check the weather and the time, and i can do it from my chair. It is so easy to use that i sat up the computer myself and I was able to hook up the wifi all by myself.
Mary B
I want every one to know that the Telikin Computer is a Great computer and that Customer support team is amazing! Jacob helped me today setup everything on my computer. This computer is great for Seniors!
Nancy O
Telikin is the greatest thing that happened to me and my wife. Customer support has been
super great. Without them we'd be dead in water. Jacob saved and made our day by fixing my Keyboard problem over the phone. It's a simple thing and i couldn't have imagined what it was.
Robert J
This man Robert has phenomenal information and exceptional patience. He saved me when just about everyone else had given up. He was able to access my Go Daddy email which I've been told by Go Daddy themselves, is having a worldwide issue. I finally have quick access to my 20-year long email that has been missing since May.
Stephen M
This computer is the best purchase I have ever made. I don't know what I would do without it. It gives me everything I need in an office and I'm so grateful that my husband found this in a magazine years ago. The people here at Telikin are outstanding and helpful.
Donna F
This is one of the best companies when it comes to customer service and technology. I love my computer and am 74 years old with no technical experience. A xerox machine was a big deal in my time. Today I had such a wonderful experience being with Robert. He was most helpful and patient. Not only a good tech, but a very personal young man. I thought this was going to be my biggest problem, but luckily it was not. I am a regular caller, and have talked to 7 other techs that are all 5/5. Today, I asked Robert If i may write a little message, and he showed me the option to leave a review. Everyone at the company is helpful and shows interest in the customer. No matter who answers the phone, they're here to help. This is the greatest asset to the company. Thank you to to Robert and everyone else here at Telikin!
Sandra W
The Telikin computer is very user friendly for a novice like myself. It has been very helpful and there are various ways to get support if you can't figure something out for yourself. There's help on the top of the screen at all times if needed as well. I've had the computer since September 2022 and I've called the support more times than I probably should have, but everyone here has been wonderful
Jonathon F
I love the fact that the Telikin is setup each and everyday when I turn it on. It makes it easily approachable. I like to do banking and shopping mainly. I know the computer can be used with simplicity when it comes to my shopping, since I'm not able to leave my home. I trust the banking sites because the Telikin has an extremely secure system. Lastly, I use "My chart" to communicate with my doctor and medication needs.
Melanie S
Every time I run into a problem with my computer, with anything, I call Telikin and they always help me through it. They never have an attitude, they're always happy, polite, and teach me how to complete different tasks.
Cynthia S
I've always been in trouble with viruses when it comes to computers, but the Telikin offers a whole different level of safety. Your agents have saved me many hours of frustrations by offering support to connect my HP printer. Each time I call in, an agent is with me in less than 5 minutes which is unbelievable! The remote access is the breakthrough of the century as far as I'm concerned. The peace of mind I have with your company is over the top, it is certainly 5 stars.
Cecelia K
The computer is simple for me as someone who is almost 90 years old. I love the fact that it prevents any virus that comes along. Above all, I appreciate the fact that I can call in anytime for support. Each and every agent has been polite and I've never had any issues with assistance.
Frank S
My father is a Telikin user like myself. He is 101 years old and he still lives independently. He's retired military so he has very little patience when things don't work the first time. The original computer he had, was way too complicated. He got to the point of wanting to throw it! I have the Telikin myself and recommended to my family that we also get one for dad. Now he uses it with zero issues and it saved the day for our family!
Fallander F
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